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1. Name of the Association

The name of the Association is Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA). Its domicile is Fribourg, Switzerland.

2. Aim

The aim of the Association is to promote research and education in the field of management studies in Asia and Europe with special emphasis on international comparisons and the exchange of research results, practical experiences and ideas.

3. Membership

The Association is open to all persons and institutions from the world of academia, business and public administration who are interested in management in Asia and Europe. Institutions may also become members, provided they designate a representative. Each member and representative of an institution has the right to vote and is eligible for office. Membership fees are fixed at and by the annual General Meeting.


At present the fee

  • for individuals is: EUR(€) 80 per annum
  • for students: EUR(€) 40 per annum and
  • for institutions: EUR(€) 150 per annum.


Each member receives a complimentary subscription to Asian Business & Management published by PalgraveMacmillan as a membership benefit. The decision to admit new members rests with the Board. If an application to join is refused, the decision will be put before the annual general meeting. Membership is terminated by a member’s written notice of resignation, by a member’s death or by failure to pay his/her membership fee.

4. Board of the Association

The Association shall be governed by its board which shall consist of the following officers:


He/she will represent the EAMSA and shall be elected by the EAMSA members for a period of three years. The Presidency should alternate between members from Europe and Asia.


Vice President
There are two Vice Presidents, one from Europe, one from Asia. They shall be elected by the EAMSA members for a period of three years. The Vice Presidents support the EAMSA President in his/her tasks and deputize for the EAMSA President.


Executive Secretary
He/she is treasurer and administers the Association. He/she shall be proposed by the EAMSA Board and approved by the General Meeting for a period of three years.


Conference Host
The organizing host of the annual conference shall be co-opted as a Board Member for the period concerned.


Manager of the EAMSA-Website
He/she is responsible for managing the website of the Association and shall be co-opted as a Board Member. He/she shall be proposed by the EAMSA Board and approved by the General Meeting for a period of three years.

5. Auditor

He/she audits annually the accounts prepared by the Executive Secretary and submits the results to the annual general meeting. He/she shall be elected by the General Meeting for a period of three years.

6. Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee advises the Board about further development of the EAMSA, makes proposals to the General Meeting about candidates for the Board and in particular helps to promote discussions concerning research targets and further activities. Members of the Advisory Committee are elected by the General Meeting for a period of two years. The Committee has up to 20 members. Members residing in Europe and Asia should be equally represented. Each country where more than 10 members reside should be represented in the Advisory Committee by at least one member.

7. Annual General Meeting

All decisions of the annual general meeting are made by a simple majority vote of members present. The decisions have to be published on the EAMSA website.