We are proud to announce that EAMSA’s 2024 conference will take place at International Management Institute, New Delhi, India. Watch this space for the call for papers.
EAMSA aims to explore the management and organisation of European-Asian business. As such our association creates a better understanding of the dynamics of Asian economies and between them and Europe.
East Asia is an attractive market for Europe – in terms of trade, value chains or investment – and will undoubtedly continue to play a critical role in the coming years for the world economy. EAMSA aims to explore the management and organisation of European-Asian business. As such our association creates a better understanding of the dynamics of Asian economies and between them and Europe.
Recent Company Visits: 2015: Fuller’s Brewery | 2016: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) | 2017: Carlsberg | 2018: Shinsung E&G | 2019: Doppelmayr
EAMSA and its members work across disciplines, countries and industry sectors. We aim (i) to bundle regional expertise on Asia and Europe; (ii) stimulate knowledge transfer partnerships; and (iii) explore innovations from Asia, Europe. Outreach activities and firm visits are regular features of our annual conferences.
We are proud to announce that EAMSA’s 2022 conference will take place at<br /> Keio University, Tokyo (Japan). Watch this space for the call for papers.
EAMSA reserves plenty of time at its meetings for the individual exchange of ideas between scholars, the discussion between established and emerging scholars about ongoing research and the promotion of research and discussion networks between Europe and Asia.