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Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED



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Output & Outreach

Our Research Output
EAMSAOutput & Outreach


Exchange. Information.

We offer a platform for decision-makers and academics from Asia and Europe. We want to promote knowledge about Euro-Asian business and give our network partners and those interested in Asia the opportunity to regularly exchange information and experience.


As scientific community we aspire to make a significant academic contribution, and inspire the next generation of Euro-Asian business scholars.

Become a Member

Where are our Members from?



India, Japan, Republic of South Korea, Singapore



Austria, Finnland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK



Member Countries

Collaboration with

Asian Business & Management

EAMSA has a long-time partnership with the journal: Asian Business & Management (ABM), an academic management and business journal with a focus on Asia, and its publisher, Palgrave Macmillan. ABM was founded by Harukiyo Hasegawa, the past president of EAMSA. As a member benefit, EAMSA members receive printed copies of ABM.


Selected papers from EAMSA annual conferences or newly developed papers on the special topics will be considered for publication at the EAMSA Special issue at ABM. In addition, Palgrave Macmillan has been sponsoring a Best Paper Award at each annual conference. Further, some of the EAMSA members have been deeply involved in the editing of EAMSA as Chief Editor and Associate Editors.

Recent Special Issues and Sections of

ABM edited by EAMSA members

Special Issue: Non-routine Environments: European-Asian Business in Times of Shock. Volume 20, Issue 4, September 2021. Edited by Sierk Horn, Tomoki Sekiguchi, & Matthias Weiss.


Special Section: Marketing and Innovation in Asia. Volume 16, Issue 4-5, December 2017 – Edited by Ibrahim Abosag & David Ross Brennan.


Special Issue: Emerging MNEs from Developing Asia. Volume 15, Issue 4, September 2016. Edited by Pavida Pananond & Axèle Giroud.


Special Issue: Context and Business: What Can We Learn from East Asia? Volume 14, Issue 4, September 2015. Edited by Markus Taube.


Special Issue: Outward Globalization and Collaboration in Asia: Revisiting the Global Business Landscape. Volume 13, Issue 3, July 2014. Edited by Martin Hemmert & Hendrik Meyer-Ohle.


Special Issue: The Changing Competitive Landscape in Euro-Asia Business. Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2013. Edited by Harald Dolles, Claes G Alvstam & Patrik Ström.

Special Issue: Technology, innovation and knowledge: An Asian perspective. Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2012. Edited by Axèle Giroud & Christopher L Tucci.


Special Issue: Emerging Economies in Asia: Inward and Outward Business Strategies. Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2008. Edited by Martin Hemmert.


Edited Books:
Alvstam, C.-G., Dolles, H., & Ström, P. (2014). Asian inward and outward FDI : new challenges in the global economy. Palgrave Macmillan.


Giroud, A., Mohr, A. T., & Yang, D. (2005). Multinationals and Asia : organizational and institutional relationships. Routledge.


Park, S., & Horn, S. (2003). Asia and Europe in the New Global System Intercultural Cooperation and Competition Scenarios. Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Links to


EAMSA and its members work across disciplines, countries and industry sectors. We aim (i) to bundle regional expertise on Asia and Europe; (ii) stimulate knowledge transfer partnerships; and (iii) explore innovations from Asia, Europe (and their effects on the world’s business).


Outreach activities and firm visits are regular features of our annual conferences. These provide local context to each conference theme.

Company Visits